Family Friends Guestbook

From Marci Fenski

Letter written by Marci Fenski to Tommy and read at the park on May 10, 2002

Dear Tommy

This is a letter different than the ones I've written to you before, because it does not need to be written. For the fact that you're another sweet Angel looking down at us from above and you will know my ever thought. In this letter I want to tell you my friend, of how special you were to me, as I know you were to many people.

I miss you. I miss your great big hugs that I could still feel an hour later. Your silly (very silly) faces you'd make with your even sillier voices to go with them. I will never know a bigger smart-alec in the world. Tommy you are one the funniest people I know. Just hanging out watching T.V. was super fun with you! Especially Scarface. You and Joe knew every line from that movie. Tom you were one of the best buddies in my life.

There is something about all you V-Boys (and that Mardesich, too) that only the word fun can explain! I appreciate my friendship with each one of you, but Tommy, you were my big brother. You always looked out for me and accepted me and my decisions no matter what, always with a big hug and a smile. You knew me better then most people. I feel blessed that I came back to C.B. at the beginning of last year and got to spend some quality time with you before I moved again. Tom I will look for you in the snowflakes that fall, in the fish that swim, birds that fly and in the rainbows that shine in the sky. That is where I think your spirit will live in the simple and beautiful things in the world around us. I miss you Tom and thank you for all the years of fun we've had.
You are loved by many people. You made the world a better place to be. You left the world better that it was before you entered it. That is something to be proud of.

I love you Tom. It was an honor to be your friend! For now and always.

Marci Fenski

Letters from Friends

> Flower Power
> Marci Fenski
> Gillian Atchley
> Megan Atchley
> Ian Swinson & Megan Atchley
> <Unknown>

Family  Friends  Guestbook